martes, 7 de junio de 2016
There has been an accident at the White House. A man of 20 years, took a pistol and pointed to where President Barak Obama was, while he played golf. Police and bodyguards of President once protected him and arrested the man.
A supermarket in South Korea started to sell a hangover-fighting ice-cream. Many people eat it and are pleased. It becomes popular because is a new form of medicine.
It is so popular that generates a lot of money for year.
It is so popular that generates a lot of money for year.
In hambantota there are many elephants.
A baby elephant was walking when it fell into a drain. A workers and wildlife officials saved the elephant. They call a doctor and now they are treating it for a broken leg.
A baby elephant was walking when it fell into a drain. A workers and wildlife officials saved the elephant. They call a doctor and now they are treating it for a broken leg.
The 5th, 6th and 7th of february I went to Andorra. Three friends, my cousin and me went with one car and my uncles went with other car.
We arrive in the afternoon. We settle in the holliday apartment.
The 6th in the morning we went to the snow for ski. All the day we ski. But in the afternoon I fall down with one child who crossed in front of me. Then we went to the hospital.
The next day, we went to ski again, but there are a lot of snow, and we can't went to the mountain.
So, we took another path.
When we arrived, they went to ski, while I study for an exam.
We arrive in the afternoon. We settle in the holliday apartment.
The 6th in the morning we went to the snow for ski. All the day we ski. But in the afternoon I fall down with one child who crossed in front of me. Then we went to the hospital.
The next day, we went to ski again, but there are a lot of snow, and we can't went to the mountain.
So, we took another path.
When we arrived, they went to ski, while I study for an exam.
martes, 31 de mayo de 2016
BEST THING- Athem lights
In a world that's full of darkness you're my light
En un món ple d'oscuritat tu ets la meva llum
When everything gets heavy you're what keeps me steady
Quan tot es fa pesat tu en m'ajudes a soportar-ho
And when innocence is nowhere to be found
I quan l'inociència no es pot trobar en ninun lloc
In you I find the cure, you're so good and pure
En tu he trobat la cura, tu ets bona i pura
Everything that I love
Tot el que estimo
Everything that is good
Tot el que és bo
Everything that is right about me
Tot el que és bo de mi
I believe
Jo crec
You are the best thing in my life
Tu ets el millor en la meva vida
So thankful that you're mine
Per això estic agraït de que siguis meva
When everything fades we'll be ok
Quan tot s'esvaiex nosaltres estem bé
I'll be saying
Estic dient
You are the one thing that I need
Tu ets l'únic que necessito
No matter what life brings
És igual què em porti la vida
Through the highs and the lows
Per mitjà dels alts i baixos
I want you to know
Vull que sàpigues
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
I can't help but wonder what I've done
No puc ajudar però em pregunto què he de fer
To deserve someone like you
Per merèixer algú com tu
Dreams really come true
Els somnis poden arribar a ser reals
Everything that I love
Tot el que estimo
Everything that is good
Tot el que és bo
Everything that is right about me
Tot el que és bo de mí
I believe
Jo crec
You are the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
So thankful that you're mine
Per això estic agraït de siguis meva
When everything fades we'll be ok
Quan tot pot anar bé
I'll be saying
Estic dient
You are the one thing that I need
Tu ets la única cosa que necessito
No matter what life brings
Dona igual quantes vides pugui viure
Through the highs and the lows
Per mitjà dels alts i baixos
I want you to know
Vull que sàpigues
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
If I had the chance to live 1000 lives
Encara que tingués l'oportunitat de viure 1000 vides
I'd choose you every time
T'escolliria cada vegada
You are the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
So thankful that you're mine
Per això estic agraït de que siguis meva
You are the one thing that I need
Tu ets l'única cosa que necessito
No matter what life brings
És igual què em porti la vida
I want you to know
Vull que sàpigues
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
You're the best thing
Tu ets la millor cosa
You're the best thing
Tu ets la millor cosa
I want you to know
Vull que sàpigues
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
En un món ple d'oscuritat tu ets la meva llum
When everything gets heavy you're what keeps me steady
Quan tot es fa pesat tu en m'ajudes a soportar-ho
And when innocence is nowhere to be found
I quan l'inociència no es pot trobar en ninun lloc
In you I find the cure, you're so good and pure
En tu he trobat la cura, tu ets bona i pura
Everything that I love
Tot el que estimo
Everything that is good
Tot el que és bo
Everything that is right about me
Tot el que és bo de mi
I believe
Jo crec
You are the best thing in my life
Tu ets el millor en la meva vida
So thankful that you're mine
Per això estic agraït de que siguis meva
When everything fades we'll be ok
Quan tot s'esvaiex nosaltres estem bé
I'll be saying
Estic dient
You are the one thing that I need
Tu ets l'únic que necessito
No matter what life brings
És igual què em porti la vida
Through the highs and the lows
Per mitjà dels alts i baixos
I want you to know
Vull que sàpigues
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
I can't help but wonder what I've done
No puc ajudar però em pregunto què he de fer
To deserve someone like you
Per merèixer algú com tu
Dreams really come true
Els somnis poden arribar a ser reals
Everything that I love
Tot el que estimo
Everything that is good
Tot el que és bo
Everything that is right about me
Tot el que és bo de mí
I believe
Jo crec
You are the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
So thankful that you're mine
Per això estic agraït de siguis meva
When everything fades we'll be ok
Quan tot pot anar bé
I'll be saying
Estic dient
You are the one thing that I need
Tu ets la única cosa que necessito
No matter what life brings
Dona igual quantes vides pugui viure
Through the highs and the lows
Per mitjà dels alts i baixos
I want you to know
Vull que sàpigues
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
If I had the chance to live 1000 lives
Encara que tingués l'oportunitat de viure 1000 vides
I'd choose you every time
T'escolliria cada vegada
You are the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
So thankful that you're mine
Per això estic agraït de que siguis meva
You are the one thing that I need
Tu ets l'única cosa que necessito
No matter what life brings
És igual què em porti la vida
I want you to know
Vull que sàpigues
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
You're the best thing
Tu ets la millor cosa
You're the best thing
Tu ets la millor cosa
I want you to know
Vull que sàpigues
You're the best thing in my life
Tu ets la millor cosa de la meva vida
martes, 24 de mayo de 2016
DIFFERENCES OF ROMEO AND JULIET (the book and the film)
Question 1. SETTING:Places Where does the classical play and the new version take place? Example: Verona vs Verona Beach . Where are they? Which century?
In the book Verona (Italy) is an old city, and the film Verona (USA) is a modern city. The book is a real history in 1595 (16th century), but the film is in real life in actuallity (21st century).
Question 2.. IMAGERY: metaphors & images : What do they mean?
WATER (swimming pool, beach, aquarium...): Represents the purity, innocence, unity of the two bodies who are in love.
DAY and NIGHT: The day is the time to be separed, to stay alone, and dreaming with the night, because the night represents when the two lovers finally meet again with the dark of the sky.
Question 3.. LANGUAGE. Which characters speak in verse and which in prose? Who is the narrator?
Question 4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY.What's the role of the costumes the characters wear?
Question 5. ELEMENTS. To make the new version, basic elements have been changed. Example: swords for gun
Question 6. Other differences of the classical version and the film version
FIRE (petrol station, fights...): Represents de evil and the death.
MOON: Represents the fake love, because the moon is constantly change, but the love of Romeo and Juliet is forever.
In the film, the main characters are Romeo, Juliet, Friar Laurence, And the parents of Romeo and Juliet. The narrator is the news, that we can see in the begining and the end of the film in the TV.
Romeo: Knight
Juliet: Angel
Mercutio: A woman
Paris: Astronaut
The Prince for a Police man
The horses for cars
In the the end of the film Paris don't fight with Romeo.
martes, 3 de mayo de 2016
This is my favourite film. It represents the true love between two persons. Even when the familiy, the friends and life don't accept their love.
It is about an outsider girl in the high school and one of the most popular students. The girl, Jamie, was ill. And the boy, Landon, was very proud to approach her. But he was punished to participate in the play of the high school. And he was the main character with Jaime. And bit by bit, he fell in love.
I like the main characters: their personality, attitude... The music is beautiful. My favourite song of this film was: "My only hope", sang by Jaime in the play of the high school.
I think this film is a masterpiece of the romantic cinema. I recommend everybody to see it. You wild cry a lot, it is a tearjerker. "My only hope" Trailer
This is my favourite film. It represents the true love between two persons. Even when the familiy, the friends and life don't accept their love.
It is about an outsider girl in the high school and one of the most popular students. The girl, Jamie, was ill. And the boy, Landon, was very proud to approach her. But he was punished to participate in the play of the high school. And he was the main character with Jaime. And bit by bit, he fell in love.
I like the main characters: their personality, attitude... The music is beautiful. My favourite song of this film was: "My only hope", sang by Jaime in the play of the high school.
I think this film is a masterpiece of the romantic cinema. I recommend everybody to see it. You wild cry a lot, it is a tearjerker. "My only hope" Trailer
martes, 19 de abril de 2016
- #stratford-upon-avon: This is a town in central England. Shakespeare was born in this place in 1564.
- #annehathaway: Anne Hathaway was the wife of William Shakespeare. They married in 1585 when she was 18 years old and Shakespeare was 26 years old. They have 3 children: Susanna, Hamnet and Judith.
- #theglobe: The globe was a theatre where Shakespeare represented some of his plays. There was room for nearly 2,000 people.
- #plays: Shakespeare wrote some plays in his life, for example: Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer's Night's Dream and The Merchant of Venice. Some of them was represented.
- #plague: In the time of Shakespeare there was a terrible black plague. Many people died for this plague.
- #1595: Is the year when Shakespeare perform for first time her play: Romeo and Juliet.
- #queenelizabeth: Shakespeare lived when the queen Elizabeth reign in England. She is Catholic and she wasn't married, that's why she is named the 'Virgin Queen'.
- #thearmada: The 'Armada' was a enormous fleet sent by Philip II of Spain in 1588 to attack England. But the attack failed and the soldiers died. After this England became an important sea power. Shakespeare lived in this time.
- #shakespearequotes:

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2016
Everyone we live every man for himself doing what we think is good, following the dreams we have.
But when we realize what we have lived and begin to appreciate the simple but important things that happen to us, we are happier. Many people would say that you can only begin to appreciate what happens to us when we have lived long, but I do not think so. It all depends on the people around us.
After moving twice: once to a place where I started from zero and again returning to the place where I've always lived, I have thought that I have gone through many experiences and situations. But what I liked to experiment is to share my friendship with really important people for me, my friends. Yes, better than what has happened in my life is to know and be next to my friends.
Like a song that I like it says: "When everthing gets heavy they what keeps me steady." Every time I think of my friends comes to my head the lyrics of makes and appreciate even more.
Of course, I have many things yet to live. But what I have clear is that my friends will always be there and will always be one of the most important things in my life.
But when we realize what we have lived and begin to appreciate the simple but important things that happen to us, we are happier. Many people would say that you can only begin to appreciate what happens to us when we have lived long, but I do not think so. It all depends on the people around us.
After moving twice: once to a place where I started from zero and again returning to the place where I've always lived, I have thought that I have gone through many experiences and situations. But what I liked to experiment is to share my friendship with really important people for me, my friends. Yes, better than what has happened in my life is to know and be next to my friends.
Like a song that I like it says: "When everthing gets heavy they what keeps me steady." Every time I think of my friends comes to my head the lyrics of makes and appreciate even more.
Of course, I have many things yet to live. But what I have clear is that my friends will always be there and will always be one of the most important things in my life.
Because my ambition for the hairdresser, because it is my dream to follow, I found a pretty interesting story that caught my attention for its originality.
Alberto Olmedo is a barber of 51 years 11 years ago began to use swords and fire on the heads of your customers your hairdresser in Madrid.
"There have been trends, shapes, hairstyles, colors, but always used the traditional method of scissors. The scissors is not bad, the problem is that there are things that can not be done with scissors, "he tells.
Though for a time they despised for their methods, later he became very famous all over the world, especially in Mexico, United States and Germany. So he said to the television media, "Here I crossed out geek, have criticized me and insulted me, and now all international media wants me out." And after saying this justifies their success with the advantages of their tools.
Alberto Olmedo is a barber of 51 years 11 years ago began to use swords and fire on the heads of your customers your hairdresser in Madrid.
"There have been trends, shapes, hairstyles, colors, but always used the traditional method of scissors. The scissors is not bad, the problem is that there are things that can not be done with scissors, "he tells.
Though for a time they despised for their methods, later he became very famous all over the world, especially in Mexico, United States and Germany. So he said to the television media, "Here I crossed out geek, have criticized me and insulted me, and now all international media wants me out." And after saying this justifies their success with the advantages of their tools.
To begin, I would like to say that I am a person who really likes art and everything that is related to it. Although I prefer the more modern to ancient times art.
So I want to talk about Banksy. He is a graffiti painting on the walls of their city. I like this artist because it is not like the others. It's not after fame. Therefore, although it is true that it is possible that your identity and your face is known, he does not want to be identified. Only he wants his works are recognized, so that the meaning of them reach all possible people and remove their hearts. One example is the photo below. Here you can see a child sewing flags of the United Kingdom. As in all his work, again recurrently children and their role in society. Here he denounces the labor explotació with children. And suggests that these children lose their childhood.
Also, as a protest graffiti artist graffiti which really is an art that is prohibited, as you can see in the second picture below.

In this photo you can see an amazing wonder of nature, the power of nature. This photo is one of the winners of Worldpress. In the upper part is thunder down the night sky at the right time, in which the volcano is seen in the lower part is erupting. This photo is very powerful on its own, without the help of having many colors, see this action of nature is already very spectacular. In addition, this photo is also spontaneous, dramatic and striking.
In this picture you can see a man in the foreground. In front of him is a fence separating borders. This photo is one of the winners of Worldpress is themed photo and refugees. For this reason, what is striking photo is the creature that pass under the gate the man in the foreground. This photo has removed many conscience by everyone in the world. I think this photo is dramatic, striking, disturbing and moving.
martes, 8 de marzo de 2016
1. I will travel to Cadiz this year. Because I'm going to see my familiy, I don't see for 8 years. I will be traveling in Fabruary or summer.
2. I will make a healthier live. Because I don't exercise. I will eat fruits and vegetables and do execrcise every day.
3. I will have a job. Because I have 16 years and I want to save money for my future. I will look a job this summer.
2. I will make a healthier live. Because I don't exercise. I will eat fruits and vegetables and do execrcise every day.
3. I will have a job. Because I have 16 years and I want to save money for my future. I will look a job this summer.
Hiroji Kubota is a japanese photographer and a member of Magnum Photos specialized in photographing the far east, as you can see here:
He was born at 2th of August 1939 in Kanda (Tokyo). He studied politics in Waseda University and graduated in 1962.
This photo is peaceful, dramatic, striking and powerful.
This photo is spontaneous, amusing and natural.
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